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Bible Analysis Class

The Good Samaritan


Umbrella is an output written by our very own Lee Ye Geon, which is based on the parable The Good Samaritan. This work was for a special course in the academy, wherein students get a chance to read stories from the Bible and have it be integrated to their lives to be in the path to be not only a good Christian, but overall good human being. 


 – Teacher Hannah


On the first day, Ye Geon was instructed to recall the story of The Good Samaritan which he already have heard in a Bible school of his church. The story is a Bible parable that can be found in the book of Luke 10:25-37. This story was told to encourage the people to love their neighbors. It must have been surprising to some of Jesus’ Jewish listeners who thought they only had to love people whom they knew. Jesus was showing them that our neighbors also include people who are different from us. SELFLESSNESS/ LOVING ONE’S NEIGHBORS is the moral lesson that one can gain from the story. After identifying the moral lesson, Ye Geon determined the literary device/s used in the story. LITERARY DEVICES are creative writing strategies used by an author to convey his/her message(s). When used well, literary devices help readers to visualize, interpret and analyze literary texts. There are two kinds: literary techniques (which include figurative language) and literary elements.

THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Luke 10:25-37)

A lawyer came to Jesus and asked him, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied by telling a story. This is the story. Aman was walking along the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. Many robbers lived in this lonely desert area. They attacked the man with clubs. They beat him badly and took everything he had. They left him there on the road. A priest from the Temple came along. He pretended not to see the injured man. He walked past without helping the man. Later a Levite who helped in the Temple came past. He saw the man lying on the road. He too went on without stopping. Then along came a man from Samaria (Samaritan). He was very upset when he saw the injured man. He went to see if he could help. He washed the man’s wounds, and bandaged him up. Then he lifted the man onto his donkey and took him to an inn. All night long the Samaritan took care of the injured man. The next day when he left, he paid the inn-keeper. “Please take care of him. If it costs more, I will pay you when I come back,” he said.


***Samaritans were people who lived in Samaria, a region north of Jerusalem or Judea. They accepted only the first five book of the Bible as Scripture. The Samaritans were descendants of Jews who had married people from other nations. The Jews living in Palestine looked down on Samaritans as unrighteous people. When Jesus showed love for the Samaritans, it made many people angry.


After the analysis and identifying the literary devices used in the parable, Ye Geon chose to do an animation output. The first step that he did was to conceptualize a story of his own that has something to do with the moral lesson of the parable. Since, the moral lesson is all about “selflessness”, he thought of a story that has almost the same plot as with “The Good Samaritan”. The difference was the realism of the story. It has something to do with his everyday life so that he can apply the lesson not just theoretically but in practical ways as well.


When the story has been conceptualized already, Ye Geon did a storyboard for his animation. He started designing and developing the characters for his story.

After drawing the characters that will be needed for Ye Geon’s story, he had to re-make them for a more polished output. The drawings have to be scanned in order for him to start the editing process by using a software. It would take him a day to finish the process. With the help of Teacher Edward, the multimedia expert, Ye Geon was able to produce his own animation production.


The presentation of Ye Geon has been evaluated by the selected teachers according to his performance level. The criteria includes the subject content; the content and the organization of his project; the introduction (how Ye Geon presents his work from the start); the mechanics and the animation production itself.

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