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Speech Power Group Class Flow

Speech Power hones the speaking and presentation skills of the students. It builds confidence in English speaking. Speech Power class is usually held in groups of three (3).

“Speech has Power. It empowers us and the young students"


  • 1st meeting : Teacher explains what Speech Power is, the things that will be done in class, rules, and expected outcome from the students.

  • 1st week : Creative Story telling - Prose & Poetry


Day One

First hour

- Opening & Ice Breaker activity

- Tongue Twister (teacher will explain what the purpose of tongue twister and correcting pronunciation, and long and short vowel sounds)

- Overview of Creative Story telling

- Discussion about creative story telling

Second hour

- Practice reading

* In group classes, teachers see to it that all students are participating, talking and connecting

Weekly Focuses

- Creative Storytelling : Students write their own story

- Dramatic Monologue : Students memorize and perform lines

- Hosting : Students create a vlog

- Newscasting : Students report a news

- Radio Jockey : Students act as radio jockeys


"Great is our admiration of the orator who speaks with fluency and discretion” - Marcus Cicero

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