Argumentative is different from persuasive.
When a student argues a certain topic, they base it on logic and reasonings, while persuasive speech focuses on emotions and personal opinions.
The student explains what he believes, while persuasive speeches the speaker attempts to change someone else's opinion.
The student needs strong articulations, emphatic stresses of important facts and evidence are needed to effectively convey the student's argument.
The main purpose of argumentative is not just to get through your speech or writing. Your objective is to make your audience believe your truth therefore you need to make your audience feel as if you care about their opinion and needs.
In ICAN, We teach this skill to students by providing TED Subject.
They will learn how to speak with evidence to support their claims and the way how to deliver their beliefs.
The Strength of Arguments
ICAN empowers students to improve their argumentative skills. Argument helps us learn to clarify our thoughts and articulate them honestly and accurately and to consider the ideas of others in a respectful and critical manner. The purpose of argument is to change people's points of view or to persuade people to a particular action or behavior
Writing An Editorial
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to put together a bulletproof editorial.
But before starting, you may fill in this worksheet to help organize our thoughts. This will build out an editorial structure that flows logically.

Essential Parts of an Editorial
Editorial topic:
Intended audience:
Purpose of your editorial:
Topic sentence:
Supporting details (facts, opinions, analogies/examples, statistic data, etc.):
Opposing viewpoints:
Weaknesses of opposing viewpoints:

1. Choose Your Topic Carefully
2. Introduce Your Topic
3. Boldly Declare Your Opinion
4. Build Your Argument
5. Reinforce Your Argument with Analogies
6. Acknowledge and Destroy Opposing Arguments
7. Provide Possible Solutions

Now, all there’s left to do is proofread your editorial. Go through the editorial checklist below to make sure you haven’t missed anything. It’s also a good idea to have a friend try to “poke holes” in your argument—a second set of eyeballs never hurts!

noun, formally a plural of agendum, but usually used as a singular with plural a·gen·das or a·gen·da.
a list, plan, outline, or the like, of things to be done, matters to be acted or voted upon, etc.: The chairman says we have a lengthy agenda this afternoon.

a mental or emotional position adopted with respect to something: They assumed an increasingly hostile stance in their foreign policy.
Op-Ed Article

An op-ed, short for "opposite the editorial page", is a written prose piece typically published by a newspaper or magazine that expresses the opinion of an author usually not affiliated with the publication's editorial board. Op-eds are different from both editorials and letters to the editor.
How to Write an Op-Ed
Own the Opinion
When you are given someone else's opinion to write about, it can be difficult to agree with it. One problem ghostwriters have is not agreeing with a topic they are writing about which can cause problems writing an effective piece. You want to assume an adopting role of the opinion until the work is finished, which can allow you to write better for the entity you are creating content for.

Start With a Hook
Your reader is going to make a decision within the first few sentences whether or not the piece is worth reading. It's a good idea to start by introducing the issue along with a story that personalizes it. Be brief and make sure the hook is relevant to the issue. For example, if you have witnessed a violent crime, and the op-ed supports measures to reduce crimes, you could briefly tell a story about it to make it relatable.
Aim Correctly
Be familiar with the audience—think of who reads the medium the article will be published on, and who reads about the issue you're addressing. This might assist you in making decisions about the kinds of words you use (e. g., technical terms or jargon), or what kinds of stories you tell.
Back It Up
Opinions need evidence and support. Generally, data and statistics are used to reinforce the points being made. Historical facts and figures can be used to help bolster the case being made as well.
Follow the Formatting Rules
It's important to follow the style guidelines and word count given by the publication the piece is going to be published in. This reduces the amount of editing that may be needed to get the article up to par and reduces the time spent going back and forth between you, your client, and their publisher.

End With Action
Don't leave your readers wondering what comes next, or what they can do about a particular issue. You should leave them with a call to action, and give them some actions they can take. For example, if the issue is supported by candidates running for office, you might tell your readers to cast their votes for the candidate in their district that reflects the opinion in the article.
In ICAN, debate classes allow students to improve their argumentative skills. Debate, formal, oral confrontation between two individuals, teams, or groups who present arguments to support opposing sides of a question, generally according to a set form or procedure.

Affirmative Team
1. This is the side of the debate that will support the resolution.
The affirmative will sometimes be called “pro”. Will often
be called AFF.
2. The basic job of the affirmative is to prove the resolution is true.

The judge will watch the entirety of the debate and then decide which side won. Depending on the tournament, judges can give an oral critique or disclose the results of the round. An oral critique is when the judge provides the debaters with immediate feedback by talking with both sides after the debate.

Opposing Team
1. This side of the debate will be opposed to the resolution. The
negative will sometimes be called con. Will often be referred
to as NEG.
2. The basic job of the negative is to prove that the resolution is not
true and beat the affirmative policy.

In general, the benefits of debate include:
Gaining broad, multi-faceted knowledge cutting across several disciplines outside the learner’s normal academic subjects.
Increasing learners’ confidence, poise, and self-esteem.
Providing an engaging, active, learner-centered activity.
Improving rigorous higher-order and critical thinking skills.
Enhancing the ability to structure and organize thoughts.
Enhancing learners’ analytical, research and note-taking kills
Improving learners’ ability to form balanced, informed arguments and to use reasoning and evidence.
Developing effective speech composition and delivery.
Encouraging teamwork.
10 Best Tips To Win In A Debate Competition
Debate is the activity that brings the art of reading, thinking and speaking together in one place. When medieval scholars set out to establish the curriculum of the world’s first universities, they considered three liberal arts essential for leadership and promotion of the best ideas: grammar, logic, and rhetoric (reading, thinking, speaking).
Why Debate?
Debate skills are essential to public life. When the world’s first universities were established, three skills were considered essential for leadership and promotion of the best ideas: grammar, logic, and rhetoric—what we now know as reading, writing, and speaking.
Debate programs are transformational experiences for students. In a debate program, students engage voluntarily in a social activity that reaps significant intellectual benefits, and rewards academic skills: quick thinking, sound argument, and confident speaking. There are few college spaces where intellectual and social goals align so well to inform a young citizen.
Debate programs create leaders. Leading requires intelligence, vision, empathy, efficiency, and resolve. Participating in and studying debate cultivates these essential leadership skills in young women and men.
Public Speaking
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Public speaking is one of the most important debate skills: the ability to express yourself with confidence and clarity.
Argument Generation
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We'll dive into the most fundamental debate concept: an argument.
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We push students to create logically coherent arguments that allow them to see how one part of an argument flows to the next one.
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Students learn there are three argument components, the third being "why it matters", which helps the student justify their argument within a moral framework.
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Research is a highly necessary skill for debate and for life.
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Perspective taking is a very important aspect of the debate. By arguing several different points of view, students need to have the ability to consider other point of views and how that might impact one's thinking.
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the aim is to defend one's own view and refute that of one's partner, then the most effective arguments must be selected, each person's understanding is strongly influenced by their partners'.
Cross Examination
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Cross-ex, short for cross-examination, is a period of time between speeches where opponents ask each other questions to clarify and better
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A student's understanding of important political, economic, and cultural issues is assessed along with critical thinking and analytical skills.
Debate Assessment Criteria
This table can be used to judge the quality and techniques other debaters are using to convey their points. For each measurable criteria give marks for the speakers level of performance, tally the points at the end for each speaker.

More sources
How to write an op-ed
A step-by-step guide to write an op-ed / editorial / commentary piece for a newspaper.
How to Write an Argumentative Essay - Planning
Introducing the British Council’s How to Write an Argumentative Essay animated video series. This is the first of five simple and easy to follow videos that will show you how you can improve your writing.
Leonardo DiCaprio's Powerful Climate Summit Speech
Leonardo DiCaprio's opening remarks at the 2014 United Nations Climate Summit in New York City.
Nobody could deliver a monologue like Robin Williams did it's such a shame that the world lost such a gifted actor and such a gifted soul. He had the ability to go from Comedy to heart-wrenching from scene to scene and very few actors have that ability.
Argumentative Essay | Introduction, Examples, Thesis Statement
We will guide you through all the stages of writing an argumentative essay, starting from an outline that will keep you on track and finishing with proofreading to polish up the writing.